2024【國際共備x教學實務】研討會 "The 2024 International Conference on Bilingual Education and Collaborative Teaching"

  • 2024【國際共備x教學實務】研討會
    The 2024 International Conference on Bilingual Education and Collaborative Teaching
    Date: May 10, 2024 (Fri.)
    Time: 8:30-16:00
    Venue: Auditorium, South Complex of National Science and Technology Museum


  • 參加對象本市申請113學年度雙語計畫(TFETP、ELTA、部分領域雙語教學)之學校,務必薦派一員參與是次會議亦歡迎本市公立國中小校長、教務主任、及對雙語計畫感興趣之教師參加;本場次共計錄取200人。

Schools in our city applying for the bilingual education program (TFETP, ELTA, partial domain bilingual teaching) for the 113th academic year are required to nominate one representative to attend the conference. Additionally, it will be opened to principals, director of academic affairs, and teachers from public junior high and elementary schools in our city who are interested in bilingual education programs to participate. A total of 150 participants will be accepted.


  • 報名方式:採線上報名,請於即日起至113年5月3日(星期五)止至教育部全國教師在職進修資訊網報名https://www1.inservice.edu.tw/,課程代碼:4241326

Online registration is available with foreign teachers requested to fill out the Google Form registration from now until May 3rd, 2024 (Friday). The link is: https://forms.gle/h72CJdDK9pZj4LG36


  • 詳細計畫內容請參閱附件。
    Conference Program:Please refer to Attachment 1.