Online Consultation for Teachers (G1-9) 國中小中外師線上諮詢Q&A服務

KETRC hosts Online Consultation for foreign and local teachers. Whether it is about life in Kaohsiung, teaching, co-teaching, teachers are welcome to ask questions in consultation sessions with our advisors.


Schedule 日期與時間 :

Meeting Rooms 會議室連結 :

  1. Foreign Teachers Consultation -

2. 中師諮詢會議室 - 


  1. Teachers are welcome to tell us your questions beforehand by the Google Forms. 若有相關諮詢問題,可於線上諮詢前填寫表單,以利通則問題彙整。表單連結如下:

2. If the time or date is adjusted, the notice will be published on Kaohsiung English Teaching Resource Center Website. 諮詢時間或日期若有調整,將公告於本中心網站。

3. Online consultation is not part of the Bilingual Education Consultation course. Therefore, time spent in online consultation will not be considered as part of Bilingual Consultation attendance. 線上諮詢Q&A時間不屬研習課程,無研習時數核予。