Bilingual Education Consultation Program for Teachers (G1-9) 中外師雙語教學諮詢課程(國中小)

Bilingual Education Consultation Program for Teachers (G1-9) 



參與對象:FETs 外師&LETs 中師

Organiser: Kaohsiung English Teaching Resource Centre

Participants: Foreign English Teachers&Local English Teachers

Instructor  : Daniel Juckes, Foreign Teacghing Advisor

課程目標 : This programme aims to 

  • provide a structured framework of how to deliver bilingual lessons
  • resolve any issues that may occur in a bilingual class
  • improve the quality of teaching in a bilingual environment


※外師報名網址:FETs  Please register online three days before the class starts. 

Please see the attachement for the Syllabus. 課程表請見附件。