🎯 國中小英語備課趴~English Teachers' Forum
💡和英資中心外師 Amanda 一起互動交流,激盪英語備課好點子!
1. 講師:Amanda Dube 高市英資中心外師
2. 對象:高雄市國中小英語教師(優先參加)
3. 會議室連結:https://meet.google.com/sxv-cgnm-smk
4. 日期與主題:參照下表
8/10(三)國小、8/11(四) 國中備課趴I:Get Ready for Your Class
- Setting goals with your students
- Classroom management
- Choosing lesson materials
- Co-teaching
- Conversation time
- Resources
8/17 (三)國小、8/18 (四)國中備課趴II:How to Teach Reading
- Creating a culture of reading
- Helping students become independent readers
- Recommended picture books
- Reading strategies
- Phonics teaching strategies
- Storybook reading sample & post reading activity samples
- Reading activity resources
8/24(三) 國中小備課趴III:Creating a Supportive Classroom Learning Environment
- Causes of language learning anxiety
- Classroom strategies for building a supportive and engaging classroom environment
- Learning anxiety signs to look out for
- Ways teachers can create a positive learning environment
- 參與教師可針對新學期教學內容預做準備,會議中可討論互動。
- 為增進課堂互動對話,參與過程請準備攝影機與麥克風。
- 本研習無須事先報名,亦無核發研習時數,歡迎對主題有興趣,想增進英語會話能力的老師一起上線參與。